Oil on canvas
Good Rain
3ft x 4 ft | 36 x 48 in
With a background in politics and finance, I found my passion for painting at a time when my favorite parts about my career and country - debate, dialogue, and agreeable disagreements - had gone missing.
Art gives freedom to the viewer to see, relate, and unabashedly voice opinions - it’s okay to say you don’t like a work, it’s okay to disagree. To me, art is the one thing in our world that still forges connections across differing perspectives and backgrounds, embraces critical dialogue, and reminds us to value (love) opinions beyond our own.
We all see differently, perspective is everything, and that’s why I love creating. So now… from your perspective… which way does this work go?
With a background in politics and finance, I found my passion for painting at a time when my favorite parts about my career and country - debate, dialogue, and agreeable disagreements - had gone missing.
Art gives freedom to the viewer to see, relate, and unabashedly voice opinions - it’s okay to say you don’t like a work, it’s okay to disagree. To me, art is the one thing in our world that still forges connections across differing perspectives and backgrounds, embraces critical dialogue, and reminds us to value (love) opinions beyond our own.
We all see differently, perspective is everything, and that’s why I love creating. So now… from your perspective… which way does this work go?